4 Way To Keep Your Website Current With The Rapid Changing Landscape
- December 12, 2014
- Branding
Websites provide a fantastic way to get your message, product or brand out to the world in near instant fashion. The downside to having a web presence is the ever changing landscape of this digital land. In order to stay relevant and current your website needs to keep up with the cyber-changes. Use the following methods as a means to ensuring your website remains current in the rapidly changing digital landscape.
Maintain the FocusÂ
Ask yourself this, are you the same person you were a year ago? The answer is most likely no, and the same question and answer holds true for your website. Ask yourself what the focus is today for your website and go through and see where it is no longer relevant to that focus. This may be as simple as updating to current fonts or color palettes. It could be as in depth as changing copy, pictures or any media that is dated. Restore by removing old info and putting in the new.
One huge buzzword for websites and website managers is ‘Evergreen’. This refers to content that will remain fresh and ‘green’ through the years. Check that your website is using content that is considered evergreen. For example, if you are trying to keep a website current it pays to have copy and content that can stand the test of time. Essentially, go with standards instead of fads. This will give you more time to go about conducting business versus always checking to make sure the website content is fresh.
SEO and Change
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial to drawing traffic to your website as SEO helps bring your site up in the first few entries on searches. SEO wording seeds the website with the right words relevant to bringing searches to your site. You need to go through your seeded SEO words regularly to make sure your site is staying up to date with current changes in the common lexicon that is germane to your particular product or service. It is recommended that the SEO seeds be checked and updated  once a month to keep your website on the tops of search engine results. One current change to SEO work is that those long word strings that were used even a year ago have gone the way of the Dodo. Today, using single words that are precise and placed strategically in the website copy work better than those hidden SEO word pages.
Do you remember what the early days of Yahoo looked like? How do they compare with today’s Yahoo? They are very different, and the reason for this is updates to the design and layout of the website itself. You may not be Yahoo, but your design is no less important. Stay fresh and current and update the design at least once a year. This not only keeps the site looking current, but it attracts old visitors to come back. When you see something new in the design the implication is the website has undergone new additions that old users may come back to.
Like all forms of media, the Internet and websites are ever evolving and changing. Failure to stay current will result in the website losing visitors and market share. Stay on top of your site and keep it current.
Chris is a father of 4 and works full time as a network engineer. He loves The Office, P & R, brewing (and drinking) beer, and of course Web Design and SEO.
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