What You Need To Know About Landing Pages For Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

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What You Need To Know About Landing Pages For Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

If you are running an inbound marketing campaign, you obviously need a website for conversions.  With the current technological advancements, it has become very easy for a business to have a website. There are several free website creation tools you can use to come up with a website. However, it is important to think about your website landing page. So why is landing page experience a key consideration for your inbound marketing campaigns? To answer this, we have to think about what inbound marketing is all about.

  • Inbound marketing aims at providing relevant and helpful tactics so as to direct customers to your website. This information is mostly delivered through blogs, social media links, email and through search engines.

For companies or agencies practicing inbound marketing, the landing page experience has to be considered.  Target clients have less than seven seconds to decide whether to buy from you or not. After clicking that link to your website, the first experience over the few seconds will make or break the deal. What is the main reason why you must have a landing page for your inbound marketing campaigns? Here is the simple reason;

  • Landing page provides more advantage to the marketers than just linking to a homepage of your company website. Therefore next time you are thinking of inbound marketing campaign, you should consider linking to a landing page so as to increase your chances of conversion.

This is the reason why even after developing a website you need to redesign your website landing page. As a rule of thumb for your inbound marketing campaign, “Never Start a Marketing Campaign without a Precise Landing Page for the Campaign”. While redesigning the landing page, there are several basics that you must consider.

In this article, we are going to discuss these essential must do`s for a business landing page. Therefore if you are looking for ideas on what to consider for your next landing page, the information below is exactly meant for you.

Match the Message

Whenever you are designing an inbound marketing landing page message, you should consider matching marketing message. If you have a very good inbound marketing message, try as much as possible to match the same on your landing page.

  • Consider the client is “supercharged” by the message he/she has just read on your inbound marketing campaign. This could be a newsletter you sent out, a blog page you published, or even a social media page. The same message you have shared is what the client expects to find when he/she clicks on the link to your website.

Therefore, it is important to make sure you match the expectation. If he/she lands on a different page the experience will not match the expectation. If this is the case, the chances of making a conversion are low. If the inbound campaign was so as to get a signup, the link should direct the client to the signup form and not the “about us” page.

Consider a Clear Call to Action

Did you know that a successful call to action button results to conversions? This is the button that tells the landing page visitor what you expect from them. Therefore, whenever you want a customer to respond in some way you should consider adding a clear call to action button. There are different types of landing page call to action buttons. Call to action buttons can be: Read More, Buy Now, Click Here etc. when designing a landing page call to action button; you should consider the following three main features:

  • Where is CTA placed? Consider that the more CTA`s on your page the more chances of conversion.
  • Consider the Design. As a marketing expert, judge the design to make sure it is attractive, well defined, and recognizable.
  • Consider a well-thought message that includes active verbs and communicates value to potential clients.

With the above considerations, while crafting a CTA for your landing page, you have better chances of achieving high conversion rates. Looking for some help? Let The Dill Design help with CTA design and tracking!

Keep it Simple and Clear

The landing page has a specific goal and therefore most of the information there should be focused on the goal. Therefore, make sure it is simple and clear for the potential client to get the message. To do this, you first have to decide on what it is you want to achieve from the landing page. A precise goal increases the chances of success on your landing page.

  • Adding unnecessary information on your landing page might distract the visitors preventing conversions.

Therefore avoid any other message other than what you want to communicate to the client. Consider that a client is more likely to sign up for a newsletter if this is the only message you have on your landing page. If you include product descriptions, blog posts and more, they are potential destructions and therefore you should avoid them as much as it will be possible.

Remember Color and Design are Critical Factors

Consider using your business specific color theme for the landing page. To begin with, the logo is what uniquely identifies your brand. Therefore, you should always make sure you add the business logo and use the business colors on your landing page. In website design, the color combination is important to ensure the message is passed to the intended audience. Poor choice for your landing page will affect conversion possibility for your landing page.

Always Test Your Page To Ensure its Working

It is important to ensure the landing page is optimized for conversions throughout. Therefore run A/B tests regularly and check the call-to-action to make sure it is serving the visitors as it should. Connect the landing page to a metrics tool to check out the functionality of the landing page. This will also give you hints on customer behavior for better targeted inbound marketing campaigns.

As indicated above, a successful inbound marketing campaign should have a landing page. In any campaign, the landing page is critical as it ensures successful leads conversion. Do you have a good landing page for your inbound marketing campaigns? If not, you should consider adding one immediately to increase conversion rates. The above tips might look easy to implement, but it is always advisable that you hire a professional web designer to design your landing page. For expert advice, you can always contact us via email or through https://thedilldesign.com/contact-us/.

Chris is a father of 4 and works full time as a network engineer. He loves The Office, P & R, brewing (and drinking) beer, and of course Web Design and SEO.

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